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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


                                                        SAMAVARTANAM – VEDA VRATAM

This is the completion of bramha charya asrama.  For enabling this vrata the bramha chari has to compete minimum 12 years in Gurukula vasa for completion of his veda along with angas. 

After performing this vratam, he is eligible for gruhastasrama i.e. to marry or he can contrinue as bramhachari or become sanyasi.  Choosing the asrama is of his decision.

Initially, he has to offer guru dakshina according to his status.  Guru will never ask for any dakshina from his sishyas.  Normally according to sastras we have to give salankruta godana.  Then samavartana homa to be performed and offering to surya and agni is to be given with ghee.  Then to do prayaschitta for various ill  acts committed in bramhacharya ashrama. 

After performing this he can wear normal dhoti.  He can have kumkum on his forehead, he can wear gold and have danta dhavanam.  He can also keep kajal to his eyes and use slippers and umbrella.

All these actions are now performed on the day of marriage but critically it is not the time to perform this function on marriage day. 

On completion of this vratam, he has to pray to elders of his family and friends to choose a suitable girl to marry him.  That girl should not be of his own gotra and also she should not be connected to 7 generations of his father and 5 generations of his mother.  Moreover she should not have same pravara of boy.  She should not be elder to him.

After chossing the girl, the relatives of the boy’s side visit the family of the girl on a suitable day with flowers, fruits, betel nuts and other mangalam items and request the girl’s parents to give the girl to their ward by telling three generations of the boy and their characteristic details.  Then the girl parents with their relatives promise for kanyadanam by chanting their three generations. 

This is what we are doing in marriage day duirng the gouri puja as kanya varanam.

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