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Tuesday, July 3, 2012


                                                                  SAGE VEDA VYAASA.
Sage veda Vyaasa performed tapas for the benefit of humankind.  In those days, the veda being apourusheya have no definite bounds.  Vyaasa has recollectted all the veda mantras and regrouped into four as Rig, Yajus, Sama and Adharvana.  Thus he helped us to choose the authority of veda for each and every bliss.
Then he wrote 18 puranas, and given in detail about the divine knowledge.  Yet he is not satisfied, since all the people are not benefitted with vedas as every one can not have acess to vedas.  He wanted to give shape to hindu dharma essence and thought deeply how to formulate it.  Finally, he formed bharata samhita i.e. mahabharata which is on par with vedas, sastraas, puranas, and dharma sastraas in throwing knowledge about how mankind should livenot only for him but also for the society.
The mahabharata is not a purana giving details of any particular god and how to worship him in detail.  It is a itihaasa like ramayana.  Both ramayana and mahabharata give us as to how the humankind should live in society. In ramayana, rama came to this world as a human being and shown how we should live.  But in mahabharata it is not of a particular family but it the story of a society.
After formating the mahabhaarata himself vyaasa is more worried how to give a specific form so that everyone in the society can read it and he is very particular that it should not be like vedas which should be learn through hearing.   He prayed to Lord Bramha that he has formatted the mahabharata  wherein veda sara, purana essence,   was encoded to highlight  present past and future of humankind,  and the good, bad and ill effects of different stages of life of mankind and also about the world, stars, grahas and so on. He  want to give shape for his  imagination otherwise it will be of no use to human kind.  He requested him to help him   as to how he can give     shape to his  imagination.   Lord Bramha was pleased and told vyaasa, that only Lord Ganapati, the  destroyer of  all obstacles will help you in this regard.
Then vyasa, prayed to Ganapati and ganapati readily accepted to give shape  to the imagination of vyaasa but with one specific condition that the rendering should be  continuous without interruption otherwise he will stop at that particular place and go away.  Vyaasa thought over it and agreed to ganapati under one condition   that he has to understand the matter and write and Ganesa readily acceptted.  When vyaasa required some gap he used to tell some specific stanzas which could not  be understood easily to gain time from Ganapati.
After completion of formatting the mahabharata vyaasa was thinking that himeself  and suka bramhan,  will know the meaning of all mahabhaarata and only a portion is known to sanjaya, the chariator of Drutarashtra.  Even after giving a shape vyaasa wanted the mahabharata to reach every one.  Since everyone can not find time to read the entire episode, he throught to make it available to public as story telling so that people can hear without spending anything from their pocket.  Vyaasa knows how the future human kind will be and how much lazy they are. 
He has chosen the great sage narada to popagate in Deva loka, Asita devala in Pitru loka, his son suka in
Gandharva loka and sage vaisampaayana in manava loka.
When king Janamejaya, the grand son on pandavas performed the sarpa yaaga, the sage vaisampaayana told the mahabhaarata to him and during that time sage ugra srava, the son of Sage romaharshana  heard the same and he rendered the whole mahabharata in the assembly of sages in Naimisaaranya, a place near Lucknow and through them  it reached the whole of the mankind. 
The whole mahabharata was translated in telugu by the kavi traya Sri Nannayya, Sri Tikkana Somayaji and Sri Yerra Pragada to whom we are ever grateful. 
Vyaasa knows very much that mankaind having brain but full of greed and selfish. For personal happieness man  will always make others to cry. This is being happened ever from the birth of man kind.  In rock age, man use to fight with rocks and boulders and after the invention of arms the powerful invaded the weak.  In modern days, the use of hytech ammunition is being used.  Only the type of arms are being changed but the greed and wickedness of mankind was not changed till date.  The man is though selfish he has a heart to help others.
To transform the mankind into good one, two forces are working tirelessly i.e. political power and teachings of sacred people.  When political power is not effective the sacred teachings comes in handy to save the mankind.   Vedas available during the transformation of mainkind from animalkind. But it has no sepcific shape.  It is always authoritative. Since there is no specific shape to vedas, certain selfish people taken advantage of it  and become power centre to have authority on others.  During this stage only sage veda vyaasa arrived and made available to us many of the vedas and epics along with mahabhaarata to have first hand information about the mankind.
The same thing happened in the recent times also many of the foreign invadors invaded our country and looted our treasures enormously.  They found an easy way that being having many of the codes we could not establish the proper way of life and they have taken this into hand and ruled us.  This stage was continued  till we have our own constitution.
This type of transformation is being made by sage veda vyaasa in those days with single hand by giving us the great epic mahabharata. Initially he also regrouped all the vedas into four vedas, but people have less  faith in the vedas and never transformed  through fear of god.  Then he has taken the path of transforming the mankind to good behaviour  with stong belief that a man   never bend  for rule of law but for the good advices of fellow beings. This he understood that through the power centres are having enough powers to control but people are not easily controlable to them.
For this he has changed his type of pattern, in mahabhaarata, as vedas instruct us to talk truth but we are not adhearing but vyasa made a story of harishchandra, and through the story of pandavas how to establish the dharma and so on.
The story of mahabhaarata is not pertains to only Indians but also to the entire mankind in this world.  That is why many of the foreign people have translatted our epics into their languages and made available to those people to make themselves to live on the guideliness given by sage veda vyaasa.

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