1. GAUTAMA MAHARSHI: Gautama Is one among the Sapatarishies, and a prominent mantra drashta. In Rig veda several suktas go with his name as rishiy. Gautama is also eminent in SAMA VEDA also.
Gautama wife is Ahalya and his sons are Satananda, (priest of King Janaka of Mithila), Vamadeva and Nodhas both are mantra drashtas. His father is Rahuguna, from lineage of Angiras.
The river Godavari is also called as Gautami, has got the name for its association with the Gautama.
According to Narada purana gautama rishy saved all rishes during the severe 12 year famine (karuvu) by feeding.
Raanaayani branch of Sama Veda was initiated by Gautama, according to Bramhanada Purana.
Prachina yogya, sandilya, gargya and bharadwaaja are some of the disciples of gautama.
Gautama has authored GAUTAMA DHARMA SUTRAS, the law book for hindu brahmins and one of the ancient lawgivers as referred by baudhayana.
Gautama brahmins are originally settled in BRIJ region of North India.
2. GARGA RUSHI: Garga is son of Bharadwaja and Suseela. He is the family priest of Nanda, the foster father of Lord Krishna, in Mathura. He only named the child as KRISHNA, through his meditation by knowing the avatara.
He has authored the GARGA SAMHITA. He had a son by name gaargya.
In Mysore, we can find a temple Prasanna Parvati sameta Gargeswari temple named after the Garga rishi, where ardhanareeswara appeared before him.
3. AGASTYA RISHI: Agasthya is a vedic rishi and mantra drashta for many of suktas in Rig Veda. He has authored AGASTYA SAMHITA. His name reveals that Agasti i.e. A-ga means a mountain, asti means thrower. We can hear the story of Vindhya parvata which grown up huge so that many of the people could not able to cross it. Agastya sage, thrown this mountain into pieces and paved way from north to south and vice versa.
His parents are Lord Varuna and Urvasi. He is also teacher of Drona, according to Mahabharata.
The king of VIDARBHA, a noble and virtuous, was doing tapas to have a child. Agastya through his yogic powers created a female infant with special qualities and character and arranged the child born to king of VIDHARBA. The king named the child as LOPAMUDRA. After she grown up, sage agastya appeared before king of Vidarbha and sought to marry his girl lopamudra. The king readily agreed and married his daughter LOPAMUDRA to sage agastya. The princess of vidharba, changed her living from fortess to hermitage of sage.
Agastya has two sons by name BRINGI AND ACHUTA. Agastya is one of the 18 Siddas and he has created agastya naadi which we will refer even today.
During the war with Ravana, agastya sage appeared before Rama and had upadesam of AADITYA HRUDAYAM a hymn praising the sun god.
4. BHARGAVA RUSHI: Brugu/bhargava rushi is one of the saptarishies and was a manasa putra of bramha. He is also called as prajapati.
Brughu maharshi wife is Khyati, daughter of Daksha Prajapati. He had sons named Dhata Vidhata., Brighu (sukracharya, the asura guru), Chyavana.
Sukracharya married Jayanti, the daughter of Indra. They had daughter Devayani and through her son Yayati and grand son yadu.
Chyavana maharshi was born to Bhargava maharshi through Paloama Chyavana maharshi ,married to sukanya, son Richika, great grand father of jamadagni maharshi and great great grand father of Parasurama. .
5. BHARADWAJA MAHARSHI: Bharadwaja is son of Bruhaspati, the deva Guru, and grand son of Angirasa Maharashi. That is why in bharadwaja gotra pravara we have angirasa, barhaspatya, bharadwajasa.
Drona was the son of Bharadwaja through apsara grutachi, and aswathama is the grand son to Bharadwaja. Garga maharshi is also son of Bharadwaja through Suseela.
Bharadwaja had a daughter called Devavarnini, and was given to visravas yaksha raaja, whose son is kubera. He had another daughter called katyayani who was married to Yagnavalkya and through them had three sons Chandrakanta, mahamegha and vijaya.
Bharadwaja is a mantra drashta and we have one mandala in Rig veda nearly 75 riks.
Bharadwaja is seen in Ramayana along with vaalmiki maharshi and he is the first person to notice the krauncha pakshies. We have dharma sutras and srauta sutras written by bharadwaja.
6. ATRI OR ATREYA MAHARSHI: Atri is Manasa putra of Bramha and married to Anasuya.
Atri maharshi is mantra drashta and we can see many riks in rig veda 5th mandala. To name some of his sons are soma, dutta and durvasa muni.
His wife anasuya is the daughter of kardama prajapati.
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